Time to Uncover The Outcome You Desire

Do you struggle to make decisions for yourself?  Or find yourself stuck in indecision in your business or relationships?

Do you worry afterwards if you made the right choice?  Beat yourself up…that you made the wrong one?

Here is how you can get unstuck and move from doubt to confident easfull decision making.

And no, the answer isn’t “just do it and hope for the best” 

First – Close your eyes and take three deep breaths

Next – ask yourself “Where in my body do I feel this desire?”

Then – “Where in my body do I feel this indecision?”, “What is it about?”

Continue to listen to it and see what comes up for you.

What messages is your body trying to tell you? 

What’s it excited about? 

What’s it worried about? 

Your body knows the right next move for you.

It can feel what’s in alignment and what isn’t. 

But if you’ve never stopped and listened to your body (or it’s been a long time) you may still feel a little wobbly or doubtful about what to do next. 

No worries. It’s totally normal to need support to calm your nervous system and realign with your body’s true Yes (or No).

Let me help you uncover the outcome you desire in Pussify Your Biz, Body & Life.

4-months One-on-One Private Coaching.

5000 pif or 1400/month till July 22nd.

Details here 👉 https://getyoursexyback.ca/pussify-your-biz-body-life/

Feel free to message me if you have any questions or want to talk about it more before you sign up!