Did You Have to Fight?

I used to feel like I had to fight tooth and nail for everything that I wanted.

That if I wanted it to work, I had to hustle harder and work longer.

That the more effort, blood sweat and tears I put into it the better it would be.

This left me exhausted, burnt out, miserable, numb and so cut off from myself and my desires.

Now I take a week off every month because it feels good.

I attract clients who pay me easily and who I love working with.

I take naps, give my body rest when it needs it, and pleasure is part of my daily routine. 

My launches aren’t stressful.

My business is the most aligned biz I have ever run.

I adore my clients and serving the way I do!

My life is 🔥🔥🔥

My days start with “time for me” first.

I follow my body’s natural rhythms that allow me to tap into my innate wisdom.

And hello body that I LOVE.

The difference between how I live my life now, and how I used to live is astounding.

And I’m never going back.

Want a biz, body & life like that too?Message me, let’s talk. 💜