Reclaim Your Freedom

Can you be healed after s€xual trauma?

I get asked this question a lot. The good news is you can be healed, I am living proof!

So how do you restore yourself back to fully s€xually thriving in your body after s€xual trauma? First, you identify it.

It can show up in your body as pain.

It can show up in tension.

It can show up in sex or in other parts of your body and your lower back.

It can show up in numbness.

It can show up in being unable to feel pleasure, unable to feel sensation.

You feel like you are broken and unworthy of love. I’m going to tell you right now, there is nothing wrong with you.

You just need to find what allows you to reclaim your freedom and get your lightness back.

Do this by

✨ Somatic body based work

✨ Healing our inner child

✨ Reconnecting to your s€xuality⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

When you do all of this work, you’ll finally be able to release the trauma, release the tension, release the shame, and become one with your body again.

If you’d like to feel empowered in your body and confident in your s€xuality

My private coaching has some spots open!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Hop on a free call with me to see what private coaching is like and to gain clarity on your desires, uncover what’s holding you back so you may go after all of your desires and experience what it is like to work with me!

Book Here

You are probably thinking, I will sell to you on this call…but I won’t even go there…unless you say, “Pretty please with sugar on top!”

So if you are a woman who has experienced pain and tension during s€x, numbness or not very much pleasure…

Get on my calendar today and let’s talk!