I Wasn’t Always This Way….

I wasn’t always this way….empowered in my s€xuality.

My story of trauma started when I was 14 and was assaulted by my stepfather. I was mortified, because I’d never done anything like that in my life with any boy….I hadn’t really even started dating yet.

When I spoke up about it to my mother, she believed me at first and then something changed as the day progressed. I started to feel another shame spiral happening, so I shut down.

When our body recognizes something that is not safe, it’s common for us to go into a fight, flight or freeze mode. I would go into freeze mode during these assaults….this carried over later in my life as well as shutdown, disconnection and numbing out.

Trauma responses like this freeze frequently leads to so much numbness. We need to numb it out so we don’t have to feel it.

I’ve done a lot of work to heal from my trauma, A LOT. The somatic body based work I do now has helped heal my abandoned, traumatized, hurt and unloved inner child. I now feel safe and self-loved to share love.

I know many women have experienced something similar in one way or another. I know this because I have been in rooms with thousands of women, and when asked, almost everyone is standing as their “yes this happened to me” within a matter of minutes.

I’m witnessing you and holding this space for you.

I want you to stop hating your body and not feeling good enough and instead move to feeling all of your emotions including pleasure and joy.

And all of the expansiveness life has to offer.

I have 2 spots open right now for private one-on-one coaching.

If you desire to reclaim the areas you have lost yourself, reconnect to your body and remember WHO YOU ARE so you may show up as your powerful unapologetic true self…send me a private msg and I’ll share all the details with you.

Absolutely no pressure, that is NOT my style…this call is to really see what is most aligned for both of us.

And…at the very minimum you will leave with clarity around your desires, what is holding you back and be closer to making your desires your reality!

This is for women who experience numbness, pain or disconnect from their body.

This is for women who would like to fall in love with their body and experience what a healthy self-love looks like.

If this is you, reach out.