You Reclaim Your Life

When you reclaim your power…

You reclaim your life.

You stop going through the motions, people pleasing, worrying about what others think of you. Your work. Your parenting. How you look. What you choose to spend your down time doing.

The power others hold over you evaporates.

You start to live your life for you. Not for your parents or for your partner or for your children and friends.

For YOU.

AND you become a more present, loving, awake partner, mom, daughter and overall womxn in this world.

You can feel your purpose bubbling up inside of you and you trust yourself so deep to follow it.

You stop doubting and you simply trust. Even when others are saying “Are you sure you want to do that?”

You stop thinking “Should I?” And repeating, “I should have done that” and “I shouldn’t have done this”.

You stop numbing out on food, alcohol, hours of binging Netflix and other crutches you use to forget.

You start feeling amazing in your body. Sexy AF.

You start following your dreams and desires and you find out they are so much easier than you originally believed.

You start asking for what you want and what you need.

You start receiving it.

You start to love yourself…really truly love who you are, and you see how damn amazing you are!

When you reclaim your inner feminine power…

You reclaim your life.

My Sexy-Back Jade Egg Program is open for registration!!

But only till May 24th.

6 weeks of group coaching + 6 weeks of Sexy-Back Jade Egg Practices!!

$888 ~ with multiple payment options available…you can even get started with payments of $244, coz I want this to be accessible for everyone.