Shift Your New Year’s Resolutions

New year, same you? Or New Year, New You?

Instead, I invite you to shift your new year’s resolutions into deciding.

Deciding what you are doing is working.
Deciding to trust yourself and your decisions.
Deciding that whatever you bring into 2021, it will be in your pleasure.
And if it isn’t, you will change your path.

Not what you should do, but instead what you want to do and what you desire.

So many ppl make new years resolutions…get in shape, eat right, new job, etc. But not many of them actually stick to these resolutions AND genuinely feel good about them.

So instead, see where you want to make shifts and decide. And if it is something you really don’t want to do, but are going to anyway…see where you can bring in some more pleasure into it.

I have a morning routine that started off as a desire 3 years back and has grown into something that makes me feel so powerful, grounded, sexy and like I can take on the day, everyday. It’s simple and easy and brings me so much pleasure, where before all of these things felt like chores or “have to do’s”.

Pleasure practice, workout, mindset/journaling…all before I start working each day. All in my pleasure.

Does this sound like something you’d want for yourself?

Are you craving mindfulness, a way to tap into your inner power, a way to sync with your inner knowing, a sense of community, healthy s£xuality tips + so much more?

I have the most perfect, supportive and nurturing solution for you!!

My FREE Monthly Sexy-Back Salon Series!

Take a chance this year and decide to say yes to yourself.

Why? Because it’s the new year and you’re exhausted already and wondering WTF 2020 went.

I’ve got you covered. Register here!!

The first of the series starts on Jan 13th and I’d LOVE to see you there. 💋