Are you ready to turn ON your magnetic sexual confidence and become the powerful radiant woman you were born to be?
- Reclaim you! Liberate your truth and restore your natural bliss to experience more pleasure in everyday life!
- Reconnect to your body! Tap into your innate inner wisdom and unleash your most magnetic sensual self!
- Remember who you are! Cultivate deep trust within and step into your unapologetic power!

What if you could be the woman, mom, biz owner, partner, and ALL the things WHILE feeling totally connected, embodied, alive, SEXY AF and turned ON?
For the woman who feels disconnected from her body, is holding shame around her sexuality and is feeling broken…
And for the woman who won’t look at herself in a mirror and is tired of hating her body and never feeling good enough…
AND for the woman who feels stuck in her life, her career and her relationship and is secretly craving MORE…
More fun, more pleasure, more turn-on, more romance, more joy and more life… (without feeling one ounce of guilt!)
I SEE YOU. I was you. And I promise you there is so much more…
I’m here to let you know that it’s time to RECLAIM you, RECONNECT to your body and REMEMBER who you really are!
No more empty success, going through the motions, getting stuck in your head, doubting yourself, settling for less than you desire or people pleasing to get through the day.
If you’re ready to say YES to your sensual aliveness, to take back your power and to feel confident, free and SEXY AF – brace yourself, because we’re about to…
Unleash Your Unapologetic Power!
You are worthy of so much more!
When was the last time you walked by a mirror and thought “Damn, I look good”?
Or the last time you felt grounded, relaxed, and confident in your body?
Or maybe even the last time you had a deep and intimate connection with your body and felt like you could fully trust yourself?
If the answer to any of these questions is: never… You are not alone!
Have you ever wondered about those beautiful women who just seem to glow and exude such power and confidence?
How do they do it?! What do they have that you don’t?!
Let me break it down for you: HOW you show up and feel in your body… is HOW you show up and feel in your LIFE!
If you want to feel energized and alive in your daily life, you’ve got to TURN ON.
What exactly do I mean?
When you turn ON your body, you turn ON your life.
Your turn-on is the key to unlocking both your deepest pleasures and desires AND your juicy fulfillment and soul’s purpose in life.
It’s time to STOP settling for less than you truly desire and break free from the shackles of self-doubt and people-pleasing.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been giving so much of yourself away to others for so long now, it’s no wonder you’re having trouble finding your way back to who YOU are.
Enough is enough, it’s time for YOU. You want to stop hiding and settling for less… But you have no idea where to even begin.
Sure, you might feel comfortable in yourself when you’re alone, but with your partner, other women or groups of people you somehow shut down and aren’t as confident as you’d like to be.
It’s about time you RECLAIM YOU and take back everything you’ve lost:
Boundaries, body love, time, self-care, your voice, your truth, your pleasure, your turn-on…
And all the parts of you that have been dismissed, discouraged, shut down, kept small, silenced, shamed and told “you’re not good enough” or “you’re too much” for far too long!
When you reclaim YOU, you TURN ON.
Let me show you how to unleash your unapologetic power, and take back what’s rightfully yours by connecting to the innate wisdom of your body …all while feeling sexy AF!
Discover how to showcase radical self-love and deep trust in yourself and create healthy boundaries that grant you permission to fill your cup first so that you can overflow in taking care of those around you …instead of being depleted.
I want to teach you how to feel alive, confident and free to experience more pleasure and joy in your daily life, allowing your body, mind, spirit and soul to be seen and celebrated for YOU, exactly as you are!

How often do you find yourself feeling numb, disliking your body and always comparing yourself to others?
If you’re often getting stuck in your head, feeling like there’s something wrong with you or like you don’t belong, believe me when I say you are NOT the only one – and it’s not your fault!
So many women experience a complete disconnection from themselves and their bodies – but why?
Because of deep social and cultural conditioning telling you it’s not safe to be a sexual woman and the harmful mainstream ideas about what a woman “should” look like in order to be sexy.
You’ve been taught to disconnect from your body through centuries of fearful messaging in religion and the media, and this disconnect leaves us feeling like we are broken somehow, or like we’ll never be good enough…
But we don’t need to “fix” ourselves! There is nothing wrong with you.
You simply need to reconnect – to ALL of you …and that includes your pussy and your sacred inner knowing!
If you want to step fully into your power without limiting beliefs holding you back, reconnecting to your body and to your sexuality is the key.
It is the portal to your POWER.
It is the portal to your highest TRUTH.
And I’m here to teach you how to connect to your body and tune into your innate inner wisdom so that you can unlock your full-body trust.
Because when you know exactly what you want {and more importantly what you don’t want!} you feel confident and empowered to go out there and get it…
YOU get to make the shift from a life of struggle and self-sacrifice to a life of passionate power and soul-fulfillment.

You might not realize this yet, but you truly are far more powerful, wise and abundant than you’ve been led to believe – and it’s my job to prove that to you once and for all.
It is my highest desire that every woman on this planet gets the opportunity to wake up to the truth of her being.
I’m here to create the space for you to feel empowered to go deeper and surrender to what is already within you, to wake up to a remembering that goes so deep you feel the sacred feminine in your bones and it becomes infused in everything you do.
We’ll work together to cultivate deep trust within yourself, knowing that your unapologetic powerful true essence is aligning you with your purpose. You’ll be equipped with all the powerful tools and practices you need to not just survive but to thrive, to create a life you love on your own terms.
You’ll cultivate an unshakable faith that no matter what happens in this world – with your partner, your kids, your career, or in your relationships – you know that you can stay grounded, present and loving, trusting that you can handle whatever life throws at you.
There is infinite power available to YOU to create the life you desire.
All you need is to remember who you are, and I’m here to remind you every step of the way. I’m here as your cheerleader, your truth-teller, and your guide so that you can show up fully as your unapologetic powerful self!
Your journey is uniquely yours and I meet you wherever you are to empower you and help you reclaim, reconnect and remember WHO YOU ARE.
There’s no judgment as to where you are at in your journey.
Know that you’re not broken, there is nothing “wrong” with you, and there’s nothing to fix. Everything I have described is already available to you, we are simply going to excavate and unleash it!

You’ll know you’re ready to Unleash Your Unapologetic Power if…
- You have a habit of saying “Yes” to your partner when you really aren’t in the mood
- You are longing to connect more deeply with your inner sacred feminine and feel totally comfortable in your body so that your “Yes” becomes a “OH HELL YES!”
- You often feel exhausted and don’t seem to have enough time to achieve what you want
- You desire to show up in your life or your career in a big and bold way
- You’re SO DONE playing small!
- You know deep down there must be more to life than this and you’re dying to take your life (and pleasure) to the next level!
- You’ve made some big changes in your life recently and you’re ready to start this new phase
- You believe it’s possible (you’re just not sure how!) to feel empowered in your body, grounded in your day-to-day and feel SEXY AF in all aspects of life
- You are curious to find out what it would be like to experience full body, out of this world, electrifying pleasure – without pain or numbness getting in the way
{Yes, my love, it is possible!}

Hey, I’m Kim!
And I’m here to teach you how to Get Your Sexy Back!
I’m a certified trauma-informed, Sex, Love, Relationship & Tantra Teacher, Speaker and Coach for singles and couples. As well as a Bestselling Author, a graduate of Layla Martin’s Institute of Integrated Tantric Sexuality, and founder of Get Your Sexy Back.
I specialize in Tantra, Sexuality and Relationship Transformation, giving you the tools to unleash your innate confidence and unlock profound new levels of self-love, pleasure, empowerment, and intimacy with yourself – and in your relationships!
I use a multifaceted approach in all my programs and private coaching incorporating nervous system regulation, with sacred sexuality, pleasure and personal empowerment.
My work combines elements inspired by Classical & Neo-Tantra, Taoism, Emotional Healing, Somatic Experiencing, Breathwork, Imago Relationship Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Energetic Guided Meditation, Reiki, Human Design and more.
Today I combine all these skills and training plus 26+ years of entrepreneurship and 13+ years of coaching experience to help singles and couples explore and break through what is holding them back from experiencing the lives they desire.
By creating deep trust and safety in your body and mind, I’ll show you how to RECONNECT to your body, ACTIVATE your turn-on, HEAL heartbreak & shame, and RECLAIM your true SEXY self so that you can fully step into your UNAPOLOGETIC POWER!
It is my life’s mission to lead by example and share with you the secrets of how to live a life of PLEASURE, FLOW, EASE and tapping into the divine feminine wisdom of your body as your source of true power.
Every woman deserves to know and to harness the power of who SHE is. It’s YOUR divine right!

Introducing… My Signature Sexy-Back Approach to Unleash You Unapologetic Power!
My unique Sexy-Back Approach works on both YOUR BODY & YOUR MIND to uncover unconscious patterns that may be holding you from living the life you’ve been dreaming of and truly deserve!
What Will Get Your Sexy Back Do For You?
- Become the empowered woman you were born to be who isn’t afraid to go after what you want!
- Reconnect to your body and mind in a way that will light you up and turn you on like never before!
- Experience MORE joy, pleasure, freedom and sovereignty in EVERY ASPECT your everyday life!
Get Your Sexy-Back will give you the practical tools you need to radically transform your confidence, feelings of self-worth and trust within yourself so that you can create deep lasting change in your life.
How Will We Do This?
We will work closely together One-on-One for 4 months in a deeply healing and transformational private coaching container to co-create the life of pleasure, abundance and bliss that you truly desire to live!
This journey is uniquely yours and I will meet you wherever you are at, supporting you every single step of the way and partnering with you to take a stand for your desires once and for all!
You’ll have my full loving presence and deep commitment to uncover and release all that is standing in the way between where you are now, and where you desire to be.
We’ll work together to cultivate epic safety and trust within you and your body. My job as your coach is to help you restore and create safety in your nervous system so that you can get unstuck and start thriving!
In our private coaching sessions we will go way deeper than we could in group programs, giving you the opportunity for quantum level shifts and a personalized space to celebrate and digest all of the goodness happening in your life.
You will receive:
- 60 minute private coaching sessions 3 x a month
- Unlimited messaging support in-between sessions
- Recorded guided practices, rituals, embodiment tools and meditations CUSTOM MADE for you!
I can not wait for you to dive in with me and discover the powerful ripple effects of this work as we witness your fresh energy, turn-on and aliveness flow into ALL of the areas of your life:
- Your partnerships… If you’re single, get ready to attract aligned partners who worship you! And if you’re already partnered, prepare to spice up your relationship into one of epic sensuality and fireworks!
- Your friendships… They get an up-level too! Welcome in more aligned powerful women that come into your orbit who celebrate you and your time together with real convos that connect you on a soul level!
- Your career… Get the raise you deserve, the upgraded title and paycheck that goes with it! Attract the most perfect soulmate clients with ease and pleasure!
- Your kids… Imagine raising your kids without pulling out your hair, with more understanding, joy, and a deep present connection between you!
If you’re ready to reclaim you, reconnect to your body, and remember who you are so you can step into your full UNAPOLOGETIC POWER…
Let’s jump on a call and have a chat to see if we’re a match for each other!

Let’s address the most common fears I see, when women want to YES, but their clever brain gets in the way…
“I haven’t got the time…”
Look I get it, maybe you’re stuck “mom-ing”, “wife-ing” or “working” and there just seems to be no time left for you.
Well, consider this your PERMISSION SLIP to make time for you. Coz, if you don’t, nobody will do it for you.
It is time to give yourself permission to show up for yourself, to be yourself, to heal, to make time for you, to be messy about it and finally say YES to YOU.
“I don’t know if I can afford it…”
I’ll be honest with you, when I saw the price of the first coaching program I wanted to sign up for, I tried to talk myself out of it and I made up all the reasons why I should NOT say yes.
As women, we’ve been conditioned to NOT spend money on ourselves, yet we’re more than happy to spend money on others! I invite you to ask yourself this question: Can you afford to live in this unhappy cycle one more day?
I know it may be scary… Taking care of YOU is an investment. Trust yourself, only you know what’s right for you!
“What if my partner isn’t on board…?”
I work with so many women who are struggling and their partners have not always been on board with them up-leveling for one reason or another.
However, once a woman says YES and starts to shift, taking her power back, healing herself and turning ON …her partner 9/10 times naturally shifts with her!
And if you end up deciding to not stay in your relationship, I’ve got you. Allow yourself to be supported.
“What if it doesn’t work for me…?”
I totally hear you. Maybe you’re worried that you’re going to end up disappointed, numb and pleasureless forever. I used to worry that it would work for everyone else …but not for me.
I want you to know that it is TOTALLY normal to have these fears AND the benefits of simply looking at your sexuality, your pleasure and reconnecting to your body far outweigh the cost of NOT taking that step!
You see, I wasn’t always this way… Empowered in my truth and confident in my voice. I was so shut down, numb and disconnected from my body, my sexuality and my relationships.
This impacted every single area of my life. From business, to friends… From how I felt each day, to how I handled stress… From my relationship, to raising kids. It is ALL connected.
First, I had to heal my own trauma, reclaim my life, reconnect to my body, and to my truth, and remember WHO I AM …who I always was underneath.
I found my way back… and so can you!

Are you ready to Unleash Your Unapologetic Power?
The biggest lesson I have learned through this beautiful journey is to listen to my body and trust myself. This is a practice. And this is exactly what I will teach you.
I will always invite you to go at your own pace and to always listen to your body, providing made-for-you embodiment tools and practice recordings that are yours to keep and to use in between sessions so you may continue to deepen your practice and connection with yourself.
Together we’ll explore powerful somatic tools to clear any unconscious limiting beliefs around your body, your sensuality, while creating safety in your body and activating your TURN-ON.
We do deep work around any childhood wounding, past heartbreaks and conditioning so you can reconnect to who you are, building deep intimacy, trust and self-love with yourself.
As you heal your body, your mind and your soul you will radically transform your life in ALL DIRECTIONS, using your turn-on as your superpower to live the life of more pleasure, joy and bliss that you truly deserve!
The work is DEEP and POWERFUL. And it WORKS.
Xoxo, Kim 💋

Your Investment
$2800 – 4 months of Private Coaching
or $800/month
extended payment plans are available.
How do I get started??
Let’s hop on a free call together and get all your questions answered! We’ll dive in a little deeper to gain clarity on your desires and you’ll get the opportunity to experience what it would look like to work together!
Absolutely, no pressure! I don’t work that way… This call is to help YOU gain clarity on what feels right, good and true for YOU!

If you’ve tried talk therapy in the past and feel like you’re still looping in the same patterns, then coaching may be what you are looking for.
If you are ready to embody change, moving out of the mind’s story and into the wisdom of your body, and if you’re willing to be curious and explore your thoughts and beliefs and conditioning, then coaching is for you.
With the somatic body based tools and practices we’ll be using in each session together we’ll get to the root of what’s holding you back much faster – and you’ll be held in safe and supportive container to release and heal in a super gentle and nourishing way giving you the embodied lasting results you’re looking for.
A counselor is going to look a lot at your past experiences and help you to witness and process what has happened. Whereas a coach is more forward looking, helping to guide a clear roadmap towards the changes you desire to see in your life.
The work I offer as a coach is deeply trauma-informed because I believe that as coaches we also need to help our clients integrate and process what our body is holding onto from the past in order to move forward to achieving our desires.
When you work with sexual healing, often what we’re doing is healing some form of trauma – whether it is our own personal trauma, collective, or ancestral.
The coaching I offer is very somatic, meaning we are working with the body in a bottom-up (body up vs head down) approach. Which I have found to be the KEY to healing my own and clients’ various traumas.
My work combines elements inspired by Classical Tantra & Neo-Tantra, Taoism, Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Body-Mind Mapping, Dynamic Breathwork, Imago Relationship Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Energetic Guided Meditation.
If you are a female identifying human in this world, you hold some level of sexual trauma in your body, whether that’s personal, collective, or ancestral.
The work and practices I offer are designed to be deeply supportive for your nervous system, allowing you to come into the present moment, building trust and consent with yourself every step of the way.
We work at a pace that works for you, never pushing for breakthroughs but really tuning into the wisdom of your body. We’ll work together to rewrite the relationship you have with your body into one of unconditional self-love and acceptance.
When we begin working together, I will guide you through a powerful process to gain clarity on your desires, setting clear goals and intentions for our time together. We’ll then begin to move out of the mind and into the body, exploring and mapping the thoughts, emotions and sensations in connection to achieving your goal to give us an indication of any parts of you that are out of alignment with having your desires be fulfilled.
Each session we will use this map to work systematically through the body-mind releasing any emotional or energetic blockages and removing the obstacles that are holding you back.
Using powerful somatic integration tools we will clear any unconscious limiting beliefs around your body and sensuality, while creating safety in your body and activating your TURN-ON.
The tools and practices we’ll use in each session vary from inner child work, shadow work, re-parenting processes, breathwork, meditation, visualization, pleasure practices and more.
Each session is an opportunity to stay open and curious so that you can reconnect to who you truly are, building deep intimacy, trust and self-love with yourself, healing your body, your mind and your soul …and totally transforming your life!
Great Question! I get this all the time…short answer NO.
My clients are always fully dressed with on calls with me.
You might want to! But, NO. I will not make you do anything that does not feel aligned with your body. However, I will hold you accountable and witness you in your resistance to something you want to explore.
My coaching is unique in that this is a co-created collaborative process. I support and partner with you, taking a stand for your desires, even when you can’t. Our coaching container is a super supportive space for you to go deep, heal trauma, heartbreak, unworthiness and past conditioning that is standing in the way between you and your highest desires.
I am an advocate for your own body’s wisdom, giving it a space to heal and rewire pathways to pleasure building deep trust within yourself and your body. I have experienced sexual trauma and abuse myself, so I know what it is like to do the deep work around trauma and our bodies.
I always offer a complimentary consultation call so that you and I can gain clarity on your desires and see if we are aligned, giving you the opportunity to experience what it’s like to work with me.
Your investment is $2800 or $800/month for a 4 month coaching term.
Book a free call with me and let’s chat.
Absolutely zero pressure, I am not about that… I want you to be a full fuck yes and nothing less!
Curious to find out more?