Jade Egg Practice Makes Perfect
Would you like a simple practice that grounds you, lowers your stress levels, leaves you feeling incredibly energized with your creative juices flowing?!?!
If so, the Jade Egg is perfect for this!!
You may be asking, what is the Jade Egg used for???
Using the Jade Egg can help you…
Emotionally ~ it creates a deep connection to your body, to your pleasure, increase self-love, body-love and intimacy.
Physically ~ the Jade Egg is amazing for creating awareness of all your muscles in your pelvic floor and helps builds strength, decreases numbness, creates pleasurable sensations and boosts your energy!
Spiritually ~ unlocking infinite pleasure, awakening your sensuality and building connection with your sacred feminine body.
Sexually ~ enhances your vaginal orgasms including, womb, g-spot and cervical while increasing YOUR pleasure and even your desire!
I find all of these listed above are the “icing on the cake” because the grounding, the centering, and the energy alone that I receive from my practices are simply incredible.
It leaves me focused and with my creative energy flowing!
And I am so excited to share it all with you!!
Registration closes on the 28th
Check it out…and if you have any Q’s at all, feel free to message me.